Riverdale Episode 2


I hardly ever actually try to keep up with television shows as they air, so when I find a show that I can do that with, I get pretty excited. Here I was, sitting cross legged on my bed, watching the last minutes of Supernatural waiting for Riverdale to start.

Mild spoilers ahead:

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Riverdale Episode 1

Archie Comics hold a kind of special place in my heart. I’ve never been obsessed but it reminds me of simpler times. My parents used to frequent a swap meet where there would occasionally be a comic book vendor and wanting to relate to my interests, my parents would bring me back some Archie Double Digests.

One random winter day, driving around Silver Lake, I saw a bus stop bench advertisement for a show called Riverdale. “RIVERDALE?! LIKE ARCHIE, RIVERDALE?!” I excitedly turned to my boyfriend. “Um, yeah probably?” he shrugged continuing to watch the road, trying not to kill us both. I went home and added Riverdale to my autotune list on my cable box. Fast-forward to Premiere day and there I was, curled up into my pillows with snacks in tow, ready to delve into the world of:

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Killer Entertainment: Sons of Anarchy


This is a post long time coming. Today’s edition of Killer Entertainment is focusing on the series finale of Sons of Anarchy.

It has been seven years since the Sons first graced our television screens and boy, has it been an intensely wild ride.

First, let’s talk about the acting. I’m only truly going to place emphasis on the last season, but that is not to say that the acting before this season was not good. That being said, let us begin.

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Killer Entertainment: Gotham S01xE01

Today I am going to introduce a new “segment” to the blog entitled: Killer Entertainment!

What I aim to do with Killer Entertainment is pretty much what I do with my Book posts. I will ramble nonsensically about anything and everything Entertainment. So, Ill talk about television shows, movies, maybe even music. These posts will, however, not be as frequent as my book reviews…now let’s get this ball rolling!

On Monday, September 22nd, 2014, FOX aired its official first attempt at dabbling in the Comic Book world with their brand new television drama, Gotham.

If you’ve been living under a rock or just haven’t heard all the buzz around this show, it’s about Batman. Well, no not really. It follows a young James Gordon, played by Benjamin McKenzie (The OC, SouthLand), throughout his first years with the Gotham Police Department. The show serves as an origin story for Gordon, as well as Batman and all the villains we know and love.

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