An Abundance of Katherines – BOOK REVIEW

an abundance of katherines book coverTitle: An Abundance of Katherines
Author: John Green
Original Publication Date: September 21st, 2006
Publisher: Dutton Books
Number of Pages: 215

Quick Synopsis: Just dumped for the 19th time straight by a Katherine, smart boy Colin sets out on a road trip with his bff to “find himself”.

I feel like my synopsis was a little snarky in all honestly. But that is literally what this book is about.

I have a love/dislike relationship with John Green. I genuinely loved a couple of his books but somewhere along the way, he’s just lost me. He writes so well and his stories are generally quite interesting however, his plots aren’t the most compelling. This book is no different. I kept feeling like this exact thing has been done. Heard this story, seen these characters before. But I mean, I keep reading them though.

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A Court of Mist and Fury

ACOMAF-cover1Title: A Court of Mist and Fury
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Original Publication Date: May 3rd, 2016
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Number of Pages: 626

Quick Synopsis: Feyre returns to the Spring Court loaded with High Fae power, the human trauma of how she obtained it and a permanent linkage to the dark High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand.

I originally read A Court of Thorns and Roses when it came out in 2015 so I was a little confused when I started this one. The first chapter was mostly me getting my bearings and remembering what happened and who everyone was. Horrible, I know. But eventually it all came back to me and Maas made it pretty easy to pick up the series even years after starting it.

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YallWest 2017 Y’all

You’d think I’d get tired of that title by now…

Well, it’s that lovely time of year again–YallWest time! This year saw some changes from past years and to be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about them. The major change: this year was only one day with a Friday preview night. Now if you’ve read my blog before, then you know that I tend to only go one day anyway but it makes a difference. I like having the option to go multiple days or the option of going one day over the other. If one author I want to meet is signing at the same time as another I at least had the option to see them the following day. Also! When it was two days, I could actually check out some booths and partake in activities or scoop up some awesome swag or ARCs because it wasn’t as packed. This year, I saw monstrous line after monstrous line and even tried to stand in a few only to be told when I got to the front that they just ran out. It was a major bummer but with that being said, I will also say that I totally enjoyed myself very much!


Sorry we’re the cutest ❤

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Spotlight on Lilliam Rivera


I was lucky enough to be chosen for a blog tour spotlighting authors that will be in attendance of this FANTASTIC YA BOOK EVENT!!

The Ontario Teen Book Fest is a YA book festival that is home to many YA authors and fans alike. The event is completely free to the public! I don’t know about you but getting to meet some of my favorite YA authors with no charge and no tickets is literally one of my favorite things in the world. This wonderful event is sponsored by the lovely Once Upon A Time bookstore of Montrose and thanks to them, there will be books and merch available for purchase 🙂

So join us on Saturday, March 25th, from 9AM to 5PM at Colony High School located at: 3850 E. Riverside Drive, Ontario, CA 91761

Spotlight on Lilliam Rivera

About The Education of Margot Sanchez

the education of Margot Sanchez.jpgPretty in Pink comes to the South Bronx in this bold and romantic coming-of-age novel about dysfunctional families, good and bad choices, and finding the courage to question everything you ever thought you wanted—from debut author Lilliam Rivera.


Mami, for destroying my social life
Papi, for allowing Junior to become a Neanderthal
Junior, for becoming a Neanderthal
This supermarket
Everyone else

After “borrowing” her father’s credit card to finance a more stylish wardrobe, Margot
Sanchez suddenly finds herself grounded. And by grounded, she means working as an indentured servant in her family’s struggling grocery store to pay off her debts.

With each order of deli meat she slices, Margot can feel her carefully cultivated prep school reputation slipping through her fingers, and she’s willing to do anything to get out of this punishment. Lie, cheat, and maybe even steal…

Margot’s invitation to the ultimate beach party is within reach and she has no intention of letting her family’s drama or Moises—the admittedly good looking but outspoken boy from the neighborhood—keep her from her goal

Goodreads | Amazon

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Spotlight on Sara Elizabeth Santana


I was lucky enough to be chosen for a blog tour spotlighting authors that will be in attendance of this FANTASTIC YA BOOK EVENT!!

The Ontario Teen Book Fest is a YA book festival that is home to many YA authors and fans alike. The event is completely free to the public! I don’t know about you but getting to meet some of my favorite YA authors with no charge and no tickets is literally one of my favorite things in the world. This wonderful event is sponsored by the lovely Once Upon A Time bookstore of Montrose and thanks to them, there will be books and merch available for purchase 🙂

So join us on Saturday, March 25th, from 9AM to 5PM at Colony High School located at: 3850 E. Riverside Drive, Ontario, CA 91761

Spotlight on Sarah Elizabeth Santana

About The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is Santana’s most recent book and the finale of The Awakened duology.

the sanctuary book coverZoey Valentine is finally safe. Tucked away miles underground in the fortified community of the Sanctuary.

But the Sanctuary is far from what she imagined.
Zoey can’t help but feel trapped.
Sekhmet, the evil corporation behind the Awakened, is still out there and
now, citizens of the Sanctuary are disappearing.
It isn’t until the bodies of the missing turn up mutilated, each one tagged with a note, a warning, signed by Razi Cylon.

Problem is, Razi should be dead.
Sekhmet has existed for far too long, and Zoey has had enough.
Goodreads | Amazon 

About Sara Elizabeth Santana

First off, I’d like to say how lucky I feel to be posting this spotlight on a friend of mine. I remember meeting her in line at The Last Bookstore waiting to get a book signed. And now here I am, spotlighting hesara elizabeth santanar for my blog. Let’s all take a moment to cry some happy tears. ❤

Sara Elizabeth Santana is a YA and NA fiction writer. She has worked as a smoothie artist, Disneyland cast member, restaurant supervisor, nanny, photographer, pizza delivery driver and barista but writing is what she loves most. She runs her own nerd girl/book review blog, What A Nerd Girl Says. She lives in Southern California with her dad, five siblings and two dogs. Her debut novel is The Awakened.
Instagram | Website | Goodreads | Facebook


  1. Tell us a little about The Awakened/The Sanctuary.

The Awakened duology follows Zoey Valentine, an eighteen year old girl who gets caught up in the zombie apocalypse. It’s a science fiction, but set in  our world. Sci-fi lite, so to speak haha. A virus wiped out a third of the population and those people reappear all at once as the Awakened, zombies, but faster, stronger, smarter, still retaining the memories of who they were before they died. The government turns the country into a nuclear wasteland in order to contain the problem and this leaves Zoey in a fight for survival.

2. What inspired The Awakened/The Sanctuary?

A lot of things really. I had written a zombie short story for this monthly writing exercise that some friends and I used to do and I felt sort of inspired by that. I hadn’t really thought of writing anything other than contemporary romance before that. I also felt inspired by the Walking Dead, which is a great show, but had hit a wall for me. I just wasn’t enjoying it anymore. Put those things together and my book sort of came from that.

3. What are some of the differences in writing process from the first book to the second?

I think the biggest difference is the expectations. When you’re writing that first book, you aren’t thinking of the audience because, honestly, you don’t even think that there will ever be an audience. Then someone does, and another someone, and on and on and suddenly people want to read the second book and its hard to get that out of your head when you’re writing. I also think…its difficult to keep that story going and its hard to make something happen, because it totally contradicts something that happened in a book that already was published! Book two is hard.

4. How does it feel going from blogger to published author?

Bizarre lol. I still blog, I still fangirl over other authors so it feels weird to be a part of that. I still feel like I’m not totally part of the club. Its nice though. I feel like I wouldn’t be an author without having been a blogger first. I learned so much about the world of writing and publishing and I don’t know if I would have believed in myself as much as I did without making friends with authors that did the same.

5. How do you think you’ve progressed as an author?

I think that I am constantly learning. I think before I was afraid to find my own voice. I was trying so hard to sound like the authors that I loved, because I was always comparing myself to them! But I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is my voice. I would also say I’ve opened myself up to writing things I never thought I could write before, like science fiction. I’ve been writing contemporary romance since I was 13. I love that I’ve taken the chance, because now I have so many ideas for science fiction and fantasy novels and I am so ready for it.

6. Any interest in writing anything that isn’t a book?

I used to write poetry in high school, used to put in the newspaper and I was addicted to this website called It was only as years passed that I realized that my poems were incredibly emo and I should stick to writing fiction.

7. Tips for writer’s block?

I personally don’t believe in writers block. I think that the ideas are there in your head, that you know what to write, but there’s other things blocking you. I think people are so afraid to write badly, they don’t write at all. My biggest advice, the one that helped me the most so I pass it along to others, is to let yourself write badly. Write pure crap. It’s going to be shitty, excuse the language, but that’s okay. You’ll fix it, and rewrite it and make it better.

8. What are you working on now?

I am currently jumping back and forth on outlining and story building for two different stories. Can’t quite decide which one is going to be the one. One is a sort fairy tale retelling in space, inspired by Marissa Meyer, and one is an urban fantasy about dragons.

9. Favorite pizza toppings?

I’m a total vegetarian lol. Olives, spinach, tomatoes, feta cheese, ricotta cheese, man, I’m getting hungry now.

10. Favorite book?

There are too many to even consider naming. Harry Potter is probably the absolute number one, followed by the Tricksters Duology by Tamora Pierce. After that, it just becomes chaos. Winger by Andrew Smith,  Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, the entirety of both the Mortal Instruments  series and Vampire Academy series. I could go on and on but I won’t!

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What Light

51vnabl1eql-_sx330_bo1204203200_Title: What Light
Author: Jay Asher
Original Publication Date: October 18th, 2016
Original Price: $18.99 (Hardcover)
Number of Pages: 251
Starkiller Rating: ★★★★✫

Disclaimer: I received this book from Razorbill in exchange for an honest review.

I read Thirteen Reasons Why  a couple years ago and completely fell in love. When I heard that Jay Asher had another book coming out, I knew I would have to add it to my To Read list. With the help of my lovely book bud, Kevin, I got an ARC edition, but decided to save it for the holidays. Well the holidays came and I began the book, then the holidays went and I was only a few chapters in.

Something about the book felt off to me. I just couldn’t place what it was. It wasn’t what I was expecting. It all seemed too sugary sweet. But then crept in a bit of darkness that added a much needed bit a conflict. Now when I say darkness, I don’t mean heavy drug use and murder haha but Caleb’s (the love interest) story is not as black and white as it first seemed.

There are typical young adult contemporary cliches and nuances that come along with the territory and I found myself growing a little tired of them but within the last 1/4 of the book, something changed. The romance began to creep it’s way into my frozen over heart and chipped away at the outer layers. By the end, my eyes were welling with tears of happiness, full of glee, giddily hugging my book and so happy that I stuck around to finish it.

I think my biggest problem with this book had absolutely nothing to do with the book itself. It was all me, expecting to have another Thirteen Reasons Why on my hands when this book was completely different but just as good in it’s own sweet, heartwarming way.

Definitely recommend reading this book at winter time because reading it with a warm cup of joe in my lap was definitely a highlight of this past season. ❤


Lola and the Boy Next Door

22247695Title: Lola and the Boy Next Door
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Original Publication Date: September 29th, 2011
Original Price: $10.99 (paperback)
Number of Pages: 338
Starkiller Rating: ★★★★✫

Quick Synopsis: Lola’s unique and eccentric, has a hot older boyfriend, her life is pretty perfect, until she’s forced to live next to the boy who broke her heart.

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Anna and the French Kiss

17453983Title: Anna and the French Kiss
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Original Publication Date: December 2nd, 2010
Original Price: $10.99 (paperback)
Number of Pages: 372
Starkiller Rating: ★★★★✫ (4.5/5)

Quick Synopsis: Anna is forced to leave her hometown of Atlanta to attend a boarding school in Paris. She is devastated but after meeting a group of unique and welcoming individuals, maybe life in Paris won’t be so bad?

First, can we all just “hahaha” at my synopsis? It’s like one synopsis will be awesome and the next will sound so super cheesy. Guess which one this synopsis is.

This was my first Stephanie Perkins book. Before this, I had only read her short story in My True Love Gave to Me. But Kevin, who I’m sure you all should know by now, recommended Perkins’ work to me several times stating that Perkins work is like candy because it’s just that sweet. That is the absolute BEST description of anything I’ve ever heard.

Perkins’ characters are relatable in a strange way. It was so easy to see pieces of myself in almost every character and that’s kind of amazing. I feel like a lot of people would feel the same why by reading these characters. Paris also becomes its’ own character and it’s so lovely. The way Perkins describes and writes Paris almost made me feel like I was actually there or like I had actually been there before. I could picture it all so beautifully.

This is the sweetest and cutest romance I have read and I am tremendously excited to read the second installment ❤


#TBT Jesse Andrews at The Americana

Okay, my bad. I’ve been gone for a bit. Stay tuned for a personal update post.

But let’s get to what you actually came here for. On April 8th, 2016 (a while ago, I know) I met one of my absolute favorite authors, Jesse Andrews.

It was for his book tour for his newest young adult novel, The HatersThe Haters is about two boys attending a Jazz camp and quickly realizing that they don’t belong. They start “jamming” with an intensely unique girl and decide that their new band, must go on tour. Because “the road” is where bands get good, not in some lame Jazz camp.

In my grande adventure to being an individual I attended my first signing on my own. Ok, kind of. I was on my own but then I quickly met up with Kevin. We walked around the store picking out the best condition books to purchase and have signed. While doing so, I found out that Kevin was actually going to introduce Jesse Andrews! I was filled with excitement for him.


After Kevin’s wonderfully delivered introduction, Jesse Andrews began his discussion. Alright, look. I’ve been to my fair share of book signings/panels/discussions and this was by far one of the top 3 favorite events ever. Jesse Andrews was one of the most awkwardly charismatic people I’ve ever had the pleasure of holding a conversation with. While he was up there, he dove into his first attempts at writing and especially writing a novel. He focused on how “terrible” his writing was and how many rewrites or his work he needed to do. It was amazing. He talked about the rejection and the hard work but also how rewarding the entire process was. It was spectacular, honestly. It was definitely a great discussion for writers/fans of his work/fans of ya.


He spent most of the discussion flailing about and I absolutely loved it. He was so animated and passionate about the topics and it was just so lovely to witness. After the general discussion and some questions from the audience, he read an excerpt from The Haters and I was instantly so excited to read it. I love Jesse Andrews’ writing style because it is so realistic and the portion I heard from this book was no different.


I got so much stuff signed, to be honest. He signed my “S” (that I’ve gotten multiple authors to sign), my blu-ray of Me and Earl and The Dying Girl, as well as my hardcover copy of the book, and my hardcover copy of The Haters. It was kind of hilarious because while he was signing my stuff, we talked about Kevin for a bit and he accidentally signed my book to Kevin. He felt so genuinely bad and I was like “Hey, it’s okay. Kevin’s my friend and this makes for a good story.”


But come on, we’re like totally adorable.

YallWest 2016 Y’all

Guess what I did this weekend. Yup, I attended the second YallWest Festival in Santa Monica and it was such a fun time!

Much like last year, I only got to go for one day. This time it was Sunday. So, of course, I can’t speak for how amazing Saturday was, but I’m sure it was a jolly good time.IMG_8065

I was a little bummed to find out I could only go one day but it was more than alright  when I actually go to the event. This year was bigger and better, honestly. There were so many more booths of awesome brands and book related companies and publishers giving out freebies and lovely information.

Not just that, though. There were some truly spectacular panels going on as well. Last year I sought out to make more time for panels and I’m so very glad that I did.

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